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I photograph wildlife.ocean life

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Photography is more than just taking pictures. It is capturing a memory that can last forever and a way to tell a story.  I created this website as both an outlet for creativity and a way to educate people about the beautiful planet on which we live and the amazing wildlife that inhabits it. One can highlight scientific research in ways that are easier to understand and appreciate. I want the viewer to be inspired to protect the species I take pictures of, travel and explore new places, and  learn more about research projects.

Since September of 2019, I have been the Membership Coordinator for the Sea Turtle Conservancy. I believe that photographs are a powerful way to show the important work we do and how data is collected so that it can then be used to create change in society for the betterment of sea turtles, the environment and wildlife we all love. I have also been a research assistant for a joint UF/Sea Turtle Conservancy in-water research project on sea turtle abundance in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico.  (Under FWC Permit #118)

Traveling to 28 countries around the world, I enjoy taking pictures of everything. However, my true passion is taking pictures of wildlife both above and below the sea. Check out the International Travel page to see highlights from different countries and the Ocean page for photos and videos from snorkeling and scuba diving. Can you guess what my favorite animal is?

Check out my blog about different environmental issues, travel and life stories, and much more! You cannot tell the full story of what you think and see from a photograph, trip, or experience without writing it down and sharing it with others. Sharing is truly caring. I hope that this blog can educate people making them more aware about issues the world faces today so that they can continue to pass along the message.
